What is Cybex isokinetic testing?

Cybex isokinetic testing involves the use of a sophisticated isokinetic dynamometer, such as the Cybex machine, to assess muscle strength, joint function, and overall biomechanical performance. The key feature of isokinetic testing is that it measures muscle sterngth and joint stability through controlled, constant-speed movements. This is in contrast to traditional strength testing, which typically involves variable speeds and resistance.

At the Sport Medicine Clinic, our dedicated team uses the Cybex machine for accurate diagnostics, customized treatment, objective monitoring, injury prevention, and return-to-play decisions.

When can Cybex isokinetic testing help?

Cybex isokinetic testing is invaluable for athletes and individuals recovering from sports injuries as it can assess and address a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and issues, including:

- Muscle imbalances: identifying and quantifying strength imbalances between opposing muscle groups, which can lead to overuse injuries
- Joint stability: assessing joint stability and function, particularly in cases of ligament injuries or post-surgery rehabilitation
- Injury evaluation: providing objective data for the evaluation of various sports-related injuries, such as strains, sprains, and tears
- Rehabilitation progress: monitoring the progress of rehabilitation programs, ensuring that strength and function are improving as expected
- Orthopedic conditions: assisting in the management and treatment of orthopedic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and joint degeneration
- Preventative programs: identifying weaknesses and imbalances that may lead to future injuries and designing preventative exercise programs
- Return-to-play assessment: determining an athlete's readiness to return to competitive play by assessing their muscle strength and joint stability
- Performance enhancement: for athletes, optimizing performance by identifying areas for improvement in strength and function
- Chronic pain management: evaluating muscle strength and joint function in individuals with chronic pain conditions
- Surgical outcomes: assessing post-surgical outcomes and tracking the recovery progress of patients who have undergone orthopedic surgeries

How can Cybex isokinetic testing help with sports injuries, recovery, and rehabilitation?

Cybex isokinetic testing is invaluable for athletes and individuals recovering from sports injuries because it offers the following benefits:

- Objective assessment: it provides precise and objective measurements of muscle strength, endurance, and joint stability, allowing for an accurate evaluation of a patient's condition

- Muscle imbalance identification: Cybex testing helps identify muscle imbalances that can lead to overuse injuries and joint instability

- Progress tracking: it serves as a baseline for measuring progress during rehabilitation, ensuring that recovery is on track and guiding treatment adjustments as necessary

- Injury prevention: by identifying weaknesses or imbalances, it allows therapists to develop targeted exercise programs to prevent future injuries

- Customized rehabilitation: therapists can create personalized rehabilitation plans based on the specific needs and deficits identified through testing

- Optimized training programs: for athletes, Cybex isokinetic testing helps in the development of training programs that focus on improving muscle imbalances and optimizing performance

- Return-to-play decision: it aids in determining when an athlete is ready to return to competitive play by objectively assessing their strength and function

What should I expect from a Cybex isokinetic testing appointment?

Your therapist will explain the testing process, what to expect, and outline the objectives of the test. They'll take the time to address your questions and concerns.

You'll be positioned on the Cybex machine, typically in a way that aligns with the area being tested. Your therapist will ensure that you are comfortably and securely positioned.

During the test, you'll perform specific movements or exercises on the Cybex machine, which measures your muscle strength and joint stability at controlled speeds. Your therapist will guide you through each movement and provide instructions to ensure your safety and accurate data collection.

The Cybex machine will record data related to your muscle strength and joint function. This data is used to create a comprehensive assessment of your condition.

Throughout the testing, your therapist may provide feedback on your performance and guide you on maintaining the correct form and effort.

After the testing is completed, your therapist will discuss the results with you. They'll explain the findings, what they mean for your condition, and the potential implications for your treatment plan.

Depending on the results, your therapist may discuss and outline a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include targeted exercises, physical therapy, or other interventions to address any issues identified during the testing.

Is Cybex isokinetic testing covered by OHIP or my insurance?

Cybex isokinetic testing is not covered under your OHIP but may be covered by your extended health insurance plan. Please check your individual plans for more details. The Sport Medicine Clinic will provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Do I need a referral to get Cybex isokinetic testing at the Sport Medicine Clinic?

No referral is necessary for Cybex isokinetic testing to be part of your treatment plan. Upon completion of your assessment, your therapist can advise you if Cybex isokinetic testing is appropriate for your injury. 

Is the Sport Medicine Clinic accepting new patients for Cybex isokinetic testing?

Yes! Please call 416-865-0903 or click here to book your appointment.